Friday, February 21, 2014

What is Intactivism?

What is Intactivism? Intactivism is the words intact and activism combined.

All children are born with intact bodies, including their genitals. Boys and girls are born with a foreskin.

Intactivism is activism aimed at protecting infants and young children from having parts of their bodies cut off, i..e its aimed at keeping their bodies intact.

In practice, depending on the culture, genitals of children are often considered fair game.

Intactivism is about freedom and the basic right to a full body. I once saw a documentary about adults
hanging from the ceiling by meat hooks. In my opinion possibly foolish, but who cares? They are adults, they can do what they like with their bodies. Doing similar violence to a child is a different kettle of fish.

I see Intactivism as a very positive thing. I am mostly interested in the reduction of infant male circumcision
in the USA. This is the only country, about from Israel, in which anywhere near half of infant boys are circumcised.

I became interested in Intactivism after attending a talk in the year 2001 on childbirth. The speaker said that scientists were stabbing infants with needles to see what any mother could tel you, if they could feel pain. He then said there are 80,000,000 men walking around in the USA who were tortured at birth. This puzzled me at first, but given anaestetic was never used in the good old days, having one's genitals flayed would be excruciatingly painful.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope to keep future posts interesting.

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